Create Your Word Addict Profile

We want your readers to learn a little about you and find links to connect to your website, blog, and social media. We also want to give them links to buy your books. If you've got a website, blog, social media, etc...we want to send readers wherever you want them to find you.

How To Get A Word Addicts Profile

There are several ways we decide who gets a profile. If you attend our local meetings, contribute to our blog, or contribute to our anthology you can have an author profile here. There are no dues, membership fees, or charges of any kind. Read about participating in our blog or our anthology and see what might make a good fit for you.

Writing A Good Author Bio

Whether you have a book, blog or other way to display your writing, you want to attract readers to your work. This requires a good first impression. Please take a look at the article below to find some great advice for your bio.

Profile Picture

You are not required to have a profile picture, but it's definitely recommended. People are more likely to visit your links if they feel a visual connection with you.

Click The Link Below To Submit Your Bio