A. Shepherd

A. Shepherd loves words and books and the theatre and rain and movies and her husband and her kids and mountains and beaches and coconut and rollercoasters and otters and tigers and Beethoven and small towns and big stories and caffeinated soda. Also, she likes churros.

She makes sushi for a living but prefers making less money on her small publishing credentials in short story collections and her first full-length novel, To Wake A Sleeping Child. She is excited to have the sequel in prep for a 2022 release. Because she is a life-long theatre weenie, she wrote and produced her first full length stage play, Miracle At The Monty, in 2019 with the North Bend Entertainers.

She also really likes horchata.

A. Shepherd's Books

To Wake A Sleeping Child

After eleven years in prison, a father’s love for his child leads him to a desperate escape and an unknown future.

”...compelling, adventurous, heart-wrenching…”–Amazon Reviewer

”I couldn't put it down.”–Amazon Reviewer

Keith Fortin spent eleven years in prison, buried in a subterranean penitentiary on the archipelago of Svalbard, Norway before he was accepted into an obscure inmate project called The Descendant Program.

He is extracted from the bowels of the prison and brought to the surface. He is given an apartment, the promise of earning his freedom. And—most bafflingly—he is given a child.

Inside the apartment, terrible secrets begin to emerge. The children of the Descendant Program are not what they seem.

Before long, Keith recognizes something ominous happening within the Descendant Program. No longer just an inmate, but a father, Keith will do anything to protect his child...Anything.

Word Addicts Anthologies Featuring A. Shepherd